You Wanted it & We Have it! Vicci’s Album Title and Release Date!!


This just in Team Vicci just revealed to us the name and release date of Vicci’s new album!! Are you excited as I am? Well here it goes. The album is going to be Self Titled and just called Vicci Martinez. The release date will be February 7th 2012! Make sure you save that date how ever you can. Save it in your head, write it down, write in marker all over your wall, hey even tattoo it on our arm! lol Well that’s a little much but whatever you have to do to remember DO IT! We will let you know when the presale will be announced for Vicci’s CD. I have copied and pasted below part of Team Vicci’s Newsletter sharing with us more about the album and process.

Via Team Vicci’s Newsletter:

So some big news for you as well:

1) For those of you that turned in names for her new CD, we finally have a name.  Thank you all who submitted, and there were some great names.  With all that, Vicci decided to go with a self-titled release, and just call it Vicci Martinez.  This is actually a normal thing for a debut album.  As we all know Vicci has been around for a while, but she never had a self-titled release.  Also this represents a new chapter in her life, and just calling it simple “Vicci Martinez” seemed enough and the right thing to call it.

2) Release Date!!:  We finally have a release date.  Her new CD will be coming out on February 7th, so we will have a lot of things coming your way right now.  The rest of December is still going to be super busy, getting ready for 2012…The Year of Vicci Martinez!!

 Team Vicci


  1. Gary Navarro says:

    Where and when can I get Vicci’s new self-titled CD? It is February 19th and I still can’t find it anywhere. Thank you.

    • Hi Gary – the new CD actually has not been released yet! It is expected to be released in May. You can pre-order from Amazon (note we believe the release date they show in April is incorrect) If you do pre-order and choose two day shipping they will send it so that it arrives on the release date. Order Vicci Martinez new CD here:

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