Vicci Martinez is Unleashed



Hey everyone I know we have been on a little hiatus and we apologize for that. But we are back and very excited to update you with all things Vicci! So ViccisARMY we are back and hopefully we will gain some new followers to our blog!! Ok now lets get to the good stuff: VICCI MARTINEZ

If you didn’t know Vicci has been working on a new album for over a year and half! The past few weeks she has been releasing a new song from that album on Tuesday’s at 10am Pacific time. That means YOU can go to iTunes and purchase the song before the album comes out. So far she has released 3 songs. “Bad News Breaker,” “Hard Earned Day,” and today she released what is my favorite so far “Unleashed.”

For this album Vicci has teamed up with Aaron Stevens and Paul Hirschl a local indie group called Goldfinch and hip-hop producer DJ Phinisey. According to an article from Vicci is billing them as a collaboration named: Vicci Martinez & Enter-Exit-Stay

Here is a YouTube video of Vicci and Aaron singing “Jolene” together.

Vicci stated that the music she’s doing is different take on her voice. If you listen to the 3 songs she has already released you can hear the difference from what she usually does. It takes on a more technical aspect to it. There’s also a more hip-hop sound but it’s not that different from what she did with her debut album ‘Vicci’ with Universal Republic.

So make sure to check every Tuesday to see if Vicci has posted a new song. Follow her on twitter @VIcciMartinez and @VicciNews You can follow us @VicciMartnzArmy

Vicci will also be unveiling her album on April 18th at 7:30pm at ‘The Rialto Theater’ in Tacoma, WA. This is an all age show and it’s a benefit concert for Centerforce.

There is so much more news to come so please stay tuned and check back for the latest news on all things Vicci!! Make sure to tell your friends about us and don’t be afraid to send us you thoughts and comments.

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