Funny skit video of Vicci Martinez & Cee Lo’s ‘Love is a Battlefield’
Thank you again to MoonsSkitWorld for this YouTube video.
Warrior Fans Fighting for Love
Funny skit video of Vicci Martinez & Cee Lo’s ‘Love is a Battlefield’
Thank you again to MoonsSkitWorld for this YouTube video.
This is a funny skit video for Vicci’s song “Dog Days Are Over”
Thank you to MoonsSkitWorld for this YouTube Video!
Vicci Martinez is no ordinary hero. She doesn’t wear spandex. She doesn’t have a cool nickname. She doesn’t bend steel or shoot lasers out of her eyes (that I know of). She’s not a hero because she got to be on network television. She’s not a hero because she came from a small town and has achieved international notoriety.
That’s not a hero. That’s a celebrity. And there’s a difference.
Since she was young, Martinez has passed on opportunities to become a celebrity. After an appearance on Star Search, for instance, at the age of 16, she walked away from offers that would likely have launched a whirlwind musical career.
Time and time again, Martinez has walked away from opportunities that most people would jump at. She prefers to play her music to small crowds in dive bars, rather than play someone else’s idea of music to thousands of fans. Like all mythic heroes, she prefers her own road to the so-called road to riches and success.
“I love the idea of ‘enjoying the ride.’ I feel like in the last few years I have finally come to terms with enjoying my own ride. Now that I’ve made the commitment to myself, to enjoy my ride … everything seems so effortless,” she says. “In a way, I think it has set me up to be ready for whatever may come and to welcome it with open arms.”
That’s what makes Vicci Martinez the mythic kind of hero – a real f-ing hero – a legend, versus the flavor of the week. She’s proud of who she is. She’s proud of the Tacoma she grew up in – the dirty port and garrison town where love seeps from the people, and grass grows from cracks in the sidewalks. She’s proud of who Tacoma helped her become, no matter where she ends up. That’s why we love her. And that’s why she’s our hero.
WEEKLY VOLCANO: Who is your hero? Who do you look up to, and why?
VICCI MARTINEZ: I love and miss my father. I feel his attitude toward life and others was so attractive … he is my hero.
VOLCANO: If you were a superhero, what would your power be? It has to be like an actual superhero. Nothing like “Make all the children happy forever.”
MARTINEZ: To fucking FLY!!!!!!! C’mon, don’t you wanna fly!?!! Or breathe under water.
VOLCANO: What really makes a person a hero?
MARTINEZ: Nothing. … I think people see a little of themselves in me. I’m just being me. Everyone just wants to be accepted, right? Just be yourself.
VOLCANO: What do you love most about Tacoma?
MARTINEZ: “T-town Tacoma, it’s not Tucson, Arizona. If you don’t like the aroma … then go the fuck away!!” (lyrics by Angi Donovan). I love this place. It’s small. It’s perfect, and it’s filled with Love! People who are here can’t leave. That’s a good thing.
VOLCANO: What wrongs would you use your superpowers to right in Tacoma?
MARTINEZ: I guess I would try to make everyone excited about LIFE! I know we live in gray rainy city sometimes, but it’s all about where we are at every moment. Just make the best of every moment …
Vicci M / Illustration credit: Lance Kagey
Tacoma, Wash., native singer/songwriter Vicci Martinez, 26, may measure less
than 5’4″, but she’s a stick of dynamite exploding all over the country now that
NBC’s The Voice has lit her flame. I’ve interviewed Martinez about four times
now and her expansion from local celebrity to national and even international
status leaves me grinning from ear to ear upon recollection of earlier times.
Martinez walked out on American Idol after they asked her to transform
herself into something she, well, simply wasn’t. Parlay that unfortunate
experience with a successful stint on Star Search and you have a talented act
waiting to erupt.
Partnering with The Voice was a strategic move by Martinez’s management team
to get her flavor, style and talent out to the world in the way only she would
agree to … on her own terms.
I emailed Martinez a few interview questions and the busy gal was able to
respond within a couple of days from Sweden. She was sitting next to The Voice
contestant Beverly McClellan at a BBQ—a true testament to her spunky spirit and
enormous heart.
Thank you, Vicci, for taking the time. Rock on.
Windy City Times: A lot has changed since our last WCT interview! For one,
you were on a very successful singing competition show, The Voice, in which you
chose showstopper Cee-Lo Green to be your mentor over the buxom Christina
Aguilera. What went into making that decision?
Vicci Martinez: [Laughs] Good question. I actually was talked into it by my
managers. … They were contacted by the show and asked to convince me to at
least try out! They knew about the American Idol stuff [where they wanted me to
change my appearance to be allowed to compete in L.A.].
WCT: The Voice played host to quite a few LGBT talents in its premiere
season. There were you, Beverly McClellan, Nakia and Tyler Robinson.
How did it feel to be a part of such a groundbreaking event on television?
VM: Sooooo comfy! We were all just being ourselves and all of us were adamant
on being ourselves. [Laughs] It worked!
WCT: Did you have to fight with the powers-that-be in any capacity to be
yourself—gay and all—on television, or was it an accepting atmosphere?
VM: Nope! It was soooo accepting!
WCT: Your renditions of Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep,” Dolly Parton’s
“Jolene” and Florence + the Machine’s “Dog Days Are Over” were out of this
world. Have you received any feedback from the original artists?
VM: [Laughs] I found out Florence loved the rendition, but that’s it. Maybe
they are too busy to watch a talent show…
WCT: Now that you’re through with L.A. [at least for the competition], where
are you headed next?
VM: The world! I’ve been to Sweden, New York City and Los Angeles, and I
don’t know where next. I’m living out of suitcases at the moment.
WCT: There is a tour coming up that includes other talented singers from the
show. How are you gearing up for the road?
VM: Making sure we make it a PARTY! I’m so excited to see everyone!
WCT: You’ve toured in the past, but this time will be a little bit different
(one would imagine) because of the popularity surrounding The Voice. Is there
anything extra-exciting in store this time around?
VM: It’s a BIG show, BIG production. … The sparkly pants will be out!
WCT: Going forward, are there any first-season contestants from The Voice
you’ll keep in touch with post-show and tour?
VM: [Laughs] EVERYONE! We love the f*** out of each other. At this moment,
I’m at a BBQ with Emily Valentine and Beverly Mclellan. I love it.
WCT: Anything behind-the-scenes you can share with us about being on the
VM: Of course. … One time I had to have my underwear cut into a thong while
they were on me … ssshhh … I was wearing white pants and I brought black
granny panties and the stylist Erin Hirsh was like…WTF??!! So she cut them into
a thong!
The Voice tour stops by the Rosemont Theatre Tuesday, Aug. 2, at 8 p.m. Visit
http:// .
SW: Why did you decide to go on The Voice, after turning down American Idol a few years ago?
Martinez: The whole concept of the show was totally different. They kind of actually reached out to my management and asked me to audition, and if I didn’t like it, I didn’t have to do anything, whatever. So I got there, and the staff and the crew were just amazing. They didn’t want to change a thing about me, which was opposite with American Idol.
SW: Like they didn’t want to give you a makeover?
Exactly! As the show went on, I definitely evolved. I was asking for the faux hawk and the sparkly eyes. But it took a little bit of time for me to get comfortable.
SW: At your original audition, did you have a judge in mind who you hoped would pick you?
I definitely wanted to work with Cee Lo. It was cool that Christina Aguilera turned around, but I definitely had my first choice, and that was Cee Lo. Just because he’s one of those guys who just does it his own way and kind of goes left-field all the time, and I feel like since the beginning I’ve done the same thing. Even though we’re quite different, we definitely bonded on that note.
SW: What was your favorite moment with Cee Lo?
I think it was when we did the Pat Benatar “Love Is a Battlefield.” It was wild, and we both were so excited about it. It was really nice to see him as excited for a performance, because during the show he’s kind of taking a seat, watching me, giving me advice, but then with this performance he was asking me advice, as far as what should we do with the dancers, do you think I look OK? I was like, “OK, Cee Lo, you don’t have to ask me, but I appreciate it.”
SW: There was a moment on the show when you thanked Adam Levine for the jeans. What was that about?
Yeah, he bought me a pair of jeans. In passing one day I was like, “Dude, Adam, those jeans look so good on you.” And he’s like, “Oh, it’s not me, it’s the jeans.” And then a few days later he had them send me to his trailer, and he gave me a pair of the same jeans.
SW: Did you interact much with Christina Aguilera?
No. I don’t think anybody did! The only interaction you had with Christina Aguilera was when she was commenting on your performance. At the end of the show, she came up onstage and gave hugs and kisses, but that was about it. But everyone else, we definitely interacted. Blake [Shelton] is amazing. Blake took us out to dinner, bought us drinks. He’s that kind of guy that just wants to have a good time with whoever he can and just makes you feel comfortable.
SW: How has your life changed since you’ve been on the show?
Well, I was on a plane today, traveling from Seattle at 7 a.m., and there were passengers on the plane asking if they could have a picture with me while we were in flight. It started because the flight attendant asked if I would come behind the curtain and take a picture with him—he was like, “I don’t want people to bombard you or anything.” But then people started seeing that and asking. I was like, “Oh my God, I just woke up.”
SW: Is your new album going to be the same kind of blues-rock you’ve been doing for years?
Yeah, [but] I think on the show I opened a new door, another side of me that I just feel like I haven’t been able to do. I’ve always played my own instruments, and I feel like in a way I’ve hid behind my instruments. I came on the show, and I was like, “They’re not going to change me.” And they didn’t try to do anything, but without my guitar there, I felt like I got way more into the music and the songs and the performance.
SW: Are you going to move to L.A. or stay in Tacoma?
I don’t know. I think I’m just living out of my bags now!
BACKSTAGE awaiting an elimination round on
NBC’s The Voice, and she’s not afraid to tell the world, “I kind of
feel like I have to poop.” “I want the people to know what it really feels like
to be on The Voice,” she says with a let’s-mess-with-the-network grin.
Pacing in skintight gold lamé pants and elfin boots, she seems to be channeling
Joan Jett and Puck from A Midsummer Night’s Dream—ready to rock and
make a little mischief. In a few minutes, the 26-year-old from Tacoma will run
onto a glowing boxing ring, jabbing the air like Rocky, to battle a 19-year-old
for dominance in a duet of a Pink song. Martinez will cock her head back, close
her eyes, and let a soulful solo rip as she bounces around stage in what
celebrity judge Cee Lo Green will later call her “war dance.”
And she’ll win. It was the performance of the night.
America, meet our bluesy singer-songwriter, the self-taught guitarist who
picked up the Beatles’ “Hey Jude” and “In My Life” by ear at age 12, and was in
a band by high school. She was a working musician by age 16, the same year she
came out to her parents. (“Being in a religious family, it wasn’t accepted.”)
And though she mended those relationships, she continues to forge her own
path—on national TV and off.
“I’d tried out for American Idol the first year. I was able to go on
but I didn’t because they were already telling me how to dress—to make myself
look more rock star and Hollywood—and I was like, screw this, that’s not why I
play music. And then this show was totally opposite.” If and when she
feels like wearing gold lame pants, she can. Martinez also benefits from one on
ones with Cee Lo, her coach in all things soul, rock, and funk, who draws from
his experience as a solo artist and half of the Grammy-winning alt hip-hop band
Gnarls Barkley. Tutor and tutee are close enough that she’ll even reveal what’s
behind Cee Lo’s ever-present sunglasses. “He has these tiny, beady eyes.”
As for her own reality TV persona, Martinez says, “I was really surprised
that they’re not making people look bad. Everyone’s character and personality
was spot on.” Who wouldn’t mind being pegged as the fiery soul singer from the
Pacific Northwest? It makes our corner of the world sound so much less…soggy.
She’s proud to call Tacoma home, having just bought her first house there with
her partner—an open, airy place that has a furnished apartment for her partner’s
mom downstairs. A month after she won her first Voice battle, Martinez
is back in Seattle, fielding press calls from a park in Queen Anne where she’s
interrupted by a passerby who recognizes her (not from the show, but from middle
school). She’s on a break from taping episodes in Los Angeles, and by the time
this issue of Seattle Met runs, she may be $100,000 richer with a
Universal Republic recording contract. Or not. Either way, we’ll be
DARCY: Yes, Vicci has the most beautiful eyes. She is blessed with an ample lid which can take both an almond shape look with a light lid and an upper liner or a smokey eye effect with a dark pigment on lids and crease then tons of lashes. And it doesn’t hurt that she has long lashes herself so that on the days we shot off stage we only curled her own and applied mascara.
DARCY: We never had to talk Vicci into wearing makeup. She learned to trust us. We asked her in advance and collaborated with her on what image she wanted to project and she really wanted to hear our suggestions. Also, her wardrobe was taken into consideration as well. She was a good soldier and came into see us always on time and was a joy to work with. She understood makeup and hair were important and made herself available to us.
DARCY: Yes, it was my idea to do the warrior paint under her eyes. I like to watch the rehearsals during the week to get inspiration and idea’s. That is easier once I have seen the staging of a song. I know that Ceelo’s comments about her doing her tribal dance when she sings also triggered the idea. “Love is a Battlefield” reminded me of literally going into battle and I had a vision of someone fighting for love and combat with Ceelo and his boys. As soon as I mentioned the idea of “warpaint” she jumped up and sang the line and knew exactly when she would apply it. We didn’t practice until day of show and before we did her beauty application. She did it a few times to get the feel then it was assumed it would work perfectly. Which is did….thankfully.
DARCY: I also did another specialty makeup for the tribal dancers/ drummers for Dog Days Are Over. Again it was inspired by the music and drumming but I wanted it to be clear they were drumming for her personally. I created templates of the looks for them and free hand painted them. I wish the home audience would have seen that we painted her initials on their forearms. It was supposed to be a wink with captial V and M.
I love that Vicci understands imaging and that will take her far in her career. It is obvious that some of the biggest artist out there are visual artists as well. I happen to be personally lucky that she used makeup and hair in this situation to express herself. She is a rockstar!
More about Darcy Gilmore: Darcy Gilmore has been busy for the last 18 years building a clientele and reputation for her specialty in beauty makeup for A-listers including: Arianna Huffington, Suze Orman, Gayle King, The Dutchess of York Sarah Ferguson, Ricki Lake, David Beckham, Rosie O’Donnell, Carrie Fisher, Dave Navarro, Lisa Ling, Paula Abdul, Rachel Zoe, Jenny McCarthy, Michael Michelle, Fergi, Giada De Laurentiis, Marla Maples, Jeff Foxworthy, Cheryl Tiegs, Brooke Burke, Twiggy and Kristen Cavallari. Since January 2006 she has worked on 54 television shows and 26 Editorials.
Ms. Gilmore’s philosophy is that there are no true makeup rules anymore. She explains, “Some people are tied to their old habits, and you have to be open and creative at times. A new idea or invention can be created as a result of necessity. Additionally, for many women their makeup look has remained the same as it was when they felt best about themselves, and they don’t realize they can take years off just by seeing themselves through someone else’s vision.” Often she is there for a total client consultation including: makeup, hair, and pulling a style together with wardrobe.
Hey guys I have a big surprise for you! Check out Vicci’s high school yearbook photo!
Even back then she was all “Fire and Smiles”
Photo Courtesy of #ViccisARMY Member Earl Jess aka @jessebomb on Twitter
When Vicci took the stage her presence was known. She may be tiny but that girl has heart. In fact she has the heart of a warrior. It was even more obvious when she performed the song “Dog Days Are Over” by Florence And The Machine as a tribute to her father. Forceful and determined, Martinez took the stage debuting new hair—an over-the-top mohawk that fellow coach Adam Levine, from Maroon 5, called “beautiful” and “strong.” At the end of the song Vicci’s coach Cee Lo Green said “You have me on the edge of my seat. You are so right. The dog days are over, the future is so bright for you,” Green said with a smile. “I love the war dance, the warrior spirit. That’s what the drums represent.” So when I found this street sign wandering the web late a night I couldn’t help but laugh and feel proud at the same time. If you follow us on twitter @VicciMartnzArmy you know how often our followers and friends type that all well famous #Warriorsforlife hashtag!
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